Canada's Natural Resources Sector Should Be a Climate Action Model at United Nations COP26

Canada's Natural Resources Sector Should Be a Climate Action Model at United Nations COP26

CALGARY, ABNov. 3, 2021 /CNW/ - "Canadian energy should stand as a model for progress on climate action this week in Glasgow", says Canada Action, a grassroots-built coalition.

"Canada should be a preferred global supplier of our energy and other resources. We're a world leader in emission intensity reductions, water recycling, carbon capture utilization and storage, methane emission reductions, renewables, clean-tech and innovation. We're one of only a few global oil and gas producers with carbon pricing," said founder and spokesperson Cody Battershill.

In response to the emissions cap announcement, Battershill pointed out that "Even before PM Trudeau's announcement, many Canadian Oil and Gas companies had announced their realistic, workable plans to achieve net zero. Emissions reduction has long been a central focus."

"With global energy demand rising steadily - including for oil and gas - and with several West Coast Indigenous communities advancing LNG projects so that Canada's lowest-emission LNG reaches global consumers, this is an opportunity for Canadians to highlight their comprehensive ESG leadership."

Battershill noted a continuing global energy crisis means COP26 should pursue a more inclusive energy strategy if only because reliable access to affordable energy underpins modern life for billions of people on the planet.

"According to a study in the journal Science, if all global oil producers adopted Canadian flaring and methane standards, then the emissions from producing a barrel of oil would drop by 23 percent, equivalent to taking 100 million cars off the road," Battershill said.

"There are many other examples of Canadian energy leadership on climate. Canada is among the first countries in which a majority of the oil and gas sector has committed to net-zero emissions by 2050.  We're also one of the few oil-producing nations where detailed disclosures are publicly available on climate and environmental-related risks," Battershill added.

Battershill added that, of the world's top 10 oil exporters, Canada ranks first on the following environment, social and governance indices:

  • Green Future Index 2021
  • Democracy Index 2020
  • Environmental Performance Index 2020
  • Global Peace Index 2020
  • Global Press Freedom Index 2020
  • Rule of Law Index 2020
  • Social Progress Index 2020
  • Sustainable Development Index 2020
  • Corruptions Perception Index 2020
  • Women, Peace, Security Index 2019/20

"We hope the roughly 20,000 people descending on Glasgow during COP26 will recognize Canada's world-leading climate action not only on the energy front but also in forestry, mining, agriculture and other sectors in which GHG emissions continue to decline."

SOURCE Canada Action Coalition

For further information: Cody Battershill - [email protected]. Or visit our web site: