Did you know that Canadian liquefied natural gas (LNG) could ‘save an entire Canada’ in emissions? Switching just 20% of Asia’s numerous coal-fired power plants to LNG would reduce global greenhouse gases by the equivalent of ‘one Canada’ worth of emissions [1].
But it is not just climate action that Canadian LNG is good for. A healthy LNG sector in Canada is also beneficial for:
> Canadian families and government revenues
> Indigenous prosperity and economic reconciliation
> Energy security by providing reliable and responsible energy to our allies
Indigenous leaders have visited Ottawa calling on the G7 Nations – including Canada – to support the development of B.C. LNG export facilities for the benefit of First Nations communities, global energy security and climate action [2].
Will you join us in making the world a cleaner, safer and better place by pledging your support for responsible Canadian LNG?
Canadian Chamber of Commerce:
> “Canada is failing to capitalize on its natural gas deposits. This hurts Canada’s economy, global reputation and allies, as well as the global environment since countries in need of energy often choose dirtier fuel sources whose carbon is not subject to a price regime.”
> “IHS Markit estimates that switching just 20% of Asia’s many coal-fired power plants to natural gas would prevent an estimated 680 megatonnes (MT) of CO2 emissions annually (IHS Markit, 2021). To put this in context, Canada’s annual emissions are 672 MT. In other words, switching just 20% of Asia’s coal-fired power plants would save the equivalent of ‘one Canada’ in terms of annual emissions, while switching 40% would save “two Canadas”.
> “Canada’s LNG opportunity is made possible in large part by the constructive relationships built between First Nations and energy companies over the past few decades. As these partnerships grow and expand, the economic benefits flowing to First Nations and the broader Canadian economy should increase considerably.’
Indigenous Leaders:
Chief Crystal Smith, Haisla Nation
“We aren't victims of development. Increasingly, we are partners and even owners of major projects. My Nation is the proponent of an LNG project . . . Cedar LNG. It will be the largest majority First-Nations owned infrastructure project in Canadian history and the first Indigenous-owned LNG export terminal in the world. . . . Other nations are asking us for our help, and the Haisla Nation has a solution for them.”
Karen Ogen, CEO, First Nations LNG Alliance
“LNG development has provided . . . opportunities to lift thousands of Indigenous people and their communities out of inter-generational poverty. . . . The members of the First Nations LNG Alliance also recognize that many opportunities are being lost to energy and climate policies that are missing the big picture. That’s why we have sent letters to all the members of the G7, including Canada, calling on them to include energy, and LNG, on the agenda of their next meeting.”
Chief Billy Morin, Managing Director, Axxcelus
“We want to get involved in them even more so now. They provide own-source revenues, jobs and business contracts for our people to help advance our self-determination and reconciliation in this country. I want the G7 to know that Indigenous peoples are not a barrier to more energy exports from Canada. We are actually the solution.”
John Desjarlais, Executive Director, Indigenous Resource Network
“…Canada producers the most sustainable environmentally responsibly energy in the world. Indigenous people are progressively becoming more involved in that development. Data from Census 2021 shows that oil and gas sector provides the highest paying wages for Indigenous workers in Canada… Indigenous women in particular benefit economically working in oil and gas, which represents the top three highest paying sectors for Indigenous women. This helps Indigenous families and communities to prosper.”
Sign the petition at the top of this page to take action and show your support.
Join the movement for our inclusive Canadian energy opportunity. We must balance energy security with economic prosperity and environmental leadership.
1 – Canadian Chamber of Commerce – Canada and Global Energy Security: The Role of Natural Gas in a Lower Carbon Future – Date Accessed: April 2023 (https://chamber.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Canada_and_Global_Energy_Security_March_2023.pdf)
2 – YouTube – CPAC - Indigenous leaders, energy executives call on G7 to prioritize Canadian LNG – Date Accessed: April 2023 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eE4L3vhl1E)