Our Energy Opportunity

The world needs more Canada

The world is asking for more responsibly produced Canadian oil and natural gas - we need your help!

• World oil demand is projected to grow by 2 million barrels per day in 2024 while global LNG consumption is projected to grow by up to 70 per cent by 2040 – both to new record high levels. [1][2] As long as the world needs oil & natural gas, shouldn't it be Canadian? 

• Poland, Germany, Japan, South Korea and many other countries want sustainable and reliable Canadian energy to replace less responsible supply sources abroad. [3][4][5]

• A net global GHG reduction equivalent to removing all of Canada's emissions could be attained by helping Asia switch just 20 per cent of its coal power plants to low-emission Canadian liquefied natural gas (LNG). [6]

• If minimal Canadian flaring standards were used worldwide, the amount of GHGs emitted from producing the average barrel of oil would drop by 23 per cent. [7]

• Responsible energy development in Canada is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for economic reconciliation with First Nations looking to generate own-source revenues and improve socio-economic conditions within their communities. [8]

• As the world approaches 9 billion people and energy demand grows rapidly by 2050, all forms – oil, natural gas, wind, hydro, solar, hydrogen, geothermal, nuclear, etc. – will be needed to maintain adequate energy supplies. [9] We need to support all forms of energy to balance sustainability, energy security and affordability.

• Canadian oil & natural gas is expected to generate $1.1 trillion in government revenues from 2000 to 2032 while generating countless more private sector funds used by our responsible producers to help develop new innovations and cleantech to assist in transitioning towards a lower-emission energy future. [10][11]

Discover More:

7 Times Countries Have Asked for Canadian-Made LNG Since 2022

Canadian Natural Gas Has a Vital Role to Play in Reducing Global Emissions: REPORT

• Canada's Oil & Gas Emissions Cap is a Cap on Prosperity

B.C. LNG to Asia Could 'Save a Canada' in Global Emissions: REPORT

11 Quotes by First Nations Leaders in Support of Canadian LNG Projects

Canadian Oil Sands Intensity Down 23% Since 2009: ANALYSIS

Ottawa Ontario Campaign - Landing Page Banners REDONE April 2024-02

7 times countries have said they want Canadian-made LNG since 2022 v2

greece says it wants Canadian-made liquefied natural gas

South Korea says it wants Canadian LNG in 2023

japan wants Canadian LNG

poland says it wants Canadian LNG in 2022

germany says its wants Canadian-made liquefied natural gas

Ukraine ambassador to Canada says Europe wants Canadian LNG

Latvia says it wants Canadian LNG or would support it

1 - Reuters. (2024 January). Global oil demand to rise by 2 million bpd in 2024, says WoodMac. Retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/global-oil-demand-rise-by-2-million-bpd-2024-says-woodmac-2024-01-11/ Date Accessed: April 2024.
2 – Shell. (2024 February). LNG Outlook 2024. Retrieved from https://www.shell.com/what-we-do/oil-and-natural-gas/liquefied-natural-gas-lng/lng-outlook-2024.html. Date Accessed: April 2024
3 – Canadian Gas Association. (2022 December). An Interview with Poland's New Ambassador to Canada, Witold Dzielski. [Web page]. Retrieved from https://www.cga.ca/energy-magazine-post/an-interview-with-polands-new-ambassador-to-canada-witold-dzielski/. Date Accessed: August 2023.
4 – BIV. (2023 February). Korea, Japan want Canadian LNG, but can Canada deliver. [Web page]. Retrieved from https://biv.com/article/2023/02/korea-japan-want-canadian-lng-can-canada-deliver. Date Accessed: August 2023.
5 – Reuters. (2022 August). Winter is coming: Germany's Scholz leaves Canada with no promises on LNG. [Web page]. Retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/winter-is-coming-germanys-scholz-leaves-canada-with-no-promises-lng-2022-08-25/. Date Accessed: August 2023.
6 - Canadian Chamber of Commerce – Canada and Global Energy Security: The Role of Natural Gas in a Lower Carbon Future. [Web page]. Retrieved from https://chamber.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Canada_and_Global_Energy_Security_March_2023.pdf. Date Accessed: August 2023
7 - CBC News. (2018). University of Calgary science takes aim at greenhouse gas emissions in oilpatch. [Web page]. Retrieved from https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/university-calgary-science-greenhouse-gas-oilpatch-emissions-climate-change-regulations-1.4809956. Date Accessed: August 2023.
8 - Indigenous LNG. (2023). [Web page]. Retrieved from http://indigenouslng.ca/. Date Accessed: August 2023.
9 - S&P Global. (2021). Global energy demand to grow 47% by 2050, with oil still top source: U.S. EIA. [Web page]. Retrieved from https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/en/market-insights/latest-news/oil/100621-global-energy-demand-to-grow-47-by-2050-with-oil-still-top-source-us-eia. Date Accessed: August 2023.
10 - Canadian Energy Centre. (2023 March). $755 billion: The energy sector's revenue contribution to Canadian governments 2000-2021. [Web page]. Retrieved from https://www.canadianenergycentre.ca/755-billion-the-energy-sectors-revenue-contribution-to-canadian-governments-2000-2021/. Date Accessed: August 2023.
11 - Canadian Energy Centre. (2023 January). $495 billion in government revenues from the Canadian oil and gas industry projected over next decade. [Web page]. Retrieved from https://www.canadianenergycentre.ca/495-billion-in-government-revenues-from-the-canadian-oil-and-gas-industry-projected-over-next-decade/. Date Accessed: August 2023.

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