3 Ways to Take Action for Canadian Natural Resources

3 Ways to Take Action for Canadian Natural Resources

3 ways to support Canadian resources - Copy

This blog has been edited due to Bill C-59

It’s no secret that natural resources “pay the bills” in our country. Accounting for more than half of our total exports every year and supporting millions of jobs from coast to coast, the energy, forestry, mining and agriculture sectors are Canada’s bread and butter – and when they do well, so do Canadians.

How can you do your part to support a healthy and prosperous natural resources sector, resulting in a strong economy for Canadians? Below are a few simple ways you can get involved with us!

#1 – Join the conversation  I love Canadian oil and natural gas banner

Sign up for accounts on social media platforms like X, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn and follow us to listen in on essential conversations regarding Canada’s natural resources.

Unfortunately, years and years of misinformation from anti-Canadian resource activists have confused many people across the country about the truths of our world-class industries. Despite making significant progress in helping people understand the importance of our resource sectors, there is always work left to do to share and nurture more positive, balanced, and fact-based discussions on the benefits of forestry, energy, mining, and agriculture to Canadians and our allies abroad.

Remember: we encourage you to be kind and polite when discussing online – even with people you don’t agree with. Kindness will go much further in convincing opponents of your pro-resource viewpoints than anger.

If you need some quick facts to share, feel free to check out our website and social media accounts for mountains of shareable blogs, infographics, videos, and more! We have no problem with you downloading and/or sharing anything you find on our website!

#2 – Sign up for our newsletter

Go to our Join Us page to sign up for monthly newsletter updates; stay in the loop with our campaigns and other important pro-resource advocacy initiatives!

We promise to only send you updates as per requested, nothing else. Our newsletter, for example, is sent out once every month or two depending on how busy our organization is with campaigns and other events in the public domain. 

If you’d like to take your commitment to supporting Canada’s natural resource sectors further, let us know and we will sign you up for our Resource Champions initiative!

Resource Champions receive special benefits such as free apparel and insider information on all our petitions and campaigns. If you have the time to become a Resource Champion, we would greatly appreciate your time and help, and thank you in advance!

#3 – Get your stickers & gear

I love Canadian Agriculture banner

Canada Action accepts donations of all sorts, but the best way to give us your hard-earned money is to go to our shop and get some gear of your own!

By wearing our hoodies, t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, and other apparel in public, you’re doing us a huge favour by showing others that they can and should be proud of supporting our world-class resource industries.

We also provide 100% FREE stickers to anyone who requests them. Choose from several different stickers including:

  • I Love Canadian Oil & Gas
  • I Love Canadian Forestry
  • I Love Canadian Mining
  • I Love Canadian Agriculture
  • I Love Canadian Wind
  • I Love Canadian Hydro

We also offer FREE banners, posters, and other items that fit perfectly on any home, warehouse, storefront, lawn, balcony, or building, for that matter.

Looking to order a large amount of our gear? Contact us today to bulk order t-shirts, buttons, stickers, and more!

Join Us Today

We invite you to join us and hundreds of thousands of Canadians online in supporting a healthy and prosperous future through a strong natural resources sector.

We look forward to having you join our community and learn more about why the world needs more of what Canada has - not less!