Sign the Pledge

Sign the Pledge


Sign the Pledge


In a world that often feels divided, we strive to help Canadians stand together.

That’s why we are asking you to take a moment to pledge your support for Canadian farmers and food producers.

Agriculture and the agri-food sector is an industry that unites our country from coast-to-coast. In fact, the production and distribution of our food is among the largest industries in most Canadian provinces1.

From farm to plate, the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector accounts for 1 in 8 Canadian jobs2.

More importantly, the food these hard working people are producing is feeding our entire nation. The sector’s single largest customer base is Canadians ourselves2. It’s Canadians feeding Canadians. While this sector is helping create jobs and prosperity, they’re also supporting our health and everyday lives.

Will you add your name, and pledge to make an effort to choose Canadian food products?

Add your name below

Just started
Goal: 10,000 pledges

Will you support Canadian farmers and food producers?

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