The Chinese government recently announced that they will be banning exports to the United States of several critical minerals such as gallium, germanium, antimony and graphite. [2]
While you may not be familiar with these minerals, they are all essential components in the production of several important technologies:
Advanced Semiconductors [3]
High-Performance Batteries [4]
In recent years most people have all become acutely aware of the importance that things like semiconductors and batteries play in our supply chain, but the critical nature of these minerals and the technologies they enable go far beyond simple industrial or household use.
They are essential components of several national security technologies that are required to keep us safe at home and abroad, such as:
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) [5]
Night Vision Systems [6]
Missile Guidance Systems [5]
Stealth Technology [4]
Satellites and Spacecraft [6]
Military Communication Systems [5]
Ballistic Missile Defense Systems [6]
Fortunately, Canada can and should be part of the solution to help our allies secure these minerals.
According to official estimates, Canada is home to about 15 million tonnes of rare earth metals, which is close to 12.5% of the world’s entire estimated reserves.
While China has decided to cut our allies off of these minerals, we have a huge opportunity to create jobs at home for Canadians, while helping our allies at the same time.
Add your support to this pledge if you want to see Canada take action to support our allies with rare earth minerals!
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