One Year Later: Newsletter, October 2021

One Year Later: Newsletter, October 2021

Canada Action October Newsletter 2021

Dear Visitor,

This email marks the one-year anniversary of our Canada Action newsletter, which has landed in hundreds of thousands of inboxes over the past 12 months.

To mark this special occasion, we are launching a merchandising contest. We will be choosing three winners to have their choice of item from our online store mailed to them, free of charge.

To enter, all you have to do is reply to this email explaining why you support the Canadian families who work in our natural resource sectors!

Thank you for being part of the positive and fact-based conversation about why the world needs more responsibly produced Canadian resources!

In the News

Redefining Electric Metals Conference 2021 

Watch our Canada Action presentation at the Redefining Electrical Metals Virtual Conference.

Canada Action - Watch Now


Watch and Share This

Video by Indigenous Resource Network

Indigenous Resource Network Who We Are

Please watch and share this powerful short video, and then follow IRN on social media @IRN_Indigenous.

Canada Action - Watch Now


How You Can Help

Check out the TenPeaks youth energy conference, and consider sponsoring a student to attend!

Ten Peaks Networking Event Fall 2021

Canada Action is speaking at and sponsoring the TenPeaks conference. With a mission to engage, inspire, and educate Alberta’s youth about energy, the environment, and our climate.

Canada Action - Learn More


Take Action

Sign the pledge

global oil and gas demand Wood Mackenzie projection 2021

Please add your name to the growing list of Canadians who support responsible development of our natural resource sectors.

Canada Action - Add Your Name


The Importance of Truth & Reconciliation for Indigenous Peoples in Canada

By Estella Petersen

Indigenous Resource Network Employment in Oil and Gas Sector First Nations

Fostering economic growth and development in Indigenous communities is crucial to reconciliation. Indigenous involvement in natural resource projects is the obvious answer.

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Did You Know? Canada is the Responsible Choice to Meet Global Resource Demand!

Canada Action - canadian flag newsletter october 2021

Canada, home to a vast wealth of natural resources, has the third-largest per-capita resource endowment in the world, accounting for nearly 1.9 million jobs across the country and 17 per cent of our nation's economy.

read more button


Supporter Spotlight:
Jacob McKinnon

supporter spotlight october 2021

Our spotlight this month is Jacob McKinnon, President and COO of Juno Corp an exploration mining company in Northern Ontario. Jacob talks to us about the importance of mining for our communities, economy and environment.

meet jacob supporter spotlight


Please add us to your safe senders' list to ensure delivery of our monthly newsletter and other important communications.

Want to do more? Volunteer for our Resource Champions team here.


Thank you!

- Canada Action


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