Oilsands Reclamation Art On Display at Climate Change Exhibition, Vancouver, Oct. 5-18, 2020

Think that Canada’s oilsands are almost always painted in a bad light? Not this time, and it’s a breathe of fresh air!

A new type of art will be on display at the Federation of Canadian Artists Crisis: Climate Change Exhibition in Vancouver from October 5th to the 18th, 2020, which will showcase the environmental leadership of our oil and gas industry through a window into reclamation.

Shannon King, a Canadian artist for over 30 years, is proud to show off her beautiful paintings while hoping to reach people in a way like never before. What a positive, wonderful, and uplifting idea with an incredible opportunity to reach some curious event goers!

Each of Shannon’s paintings show a section of reclaimed oilsands and will be accompanied by a link to an article / video explaining the reclamation efforts of Canada’s world-class oil and natural gas industry. How much of Canada's oilsands have been reclaimed anyways, you might ask?

Here’s an example of what to keep an eye out for at the event and we encourage you to scan the following QR codes to learn more:

oilsands reclamation art water painting

Ex. 1 - No Net Loss Lake (above)

No Net Loss Lake was built to compensate for changes to fish habitat as a result of the construction of the Fort Hills oil sands mine project.

According to Suncor, the lake was created to provide an ideal fish environment and was done so in collaboration with Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Local First Nations are involved in monitoring on an ongoing basis and are kept up-to-date on the development of this constructed natural habitat.

Ex. 2 - Fort Hills Settling Pond

Settling ponds at the Fort Hills oilsands mine are established to remove sediments from used water prior to its release back into naturally occurring waterways.

Alberta’s regulator requires that any discharges of site water remain within acceptable water quality limits before it is released.

fort hills pond climate change exhibition vancouver october 2020

Ex. 3 - Wapisiw Lookout Pond

Wapisiw Lookout is the first tailings pond to be successfully reclaimed. Today, it boasts a trafficable surface and is able to support the weight of vehicles.

What's really amazing is that the 200-hectare watershed is now also capable of supporting a variety of plants and wildlife. It is composed of a small marsh wetland, developing mixed wood forests and multiple water streams.

wapisiw lookout climate change exhibition vancouver october 2020About the “Crisis” Exhibition

The Federation of Canadian Artists’ event “Crisis: Climate Change Exhibition” has an aim of raising awareness and encouraging discussions about issues that our planet currently faces.

According to the group, art is one of the most universally accepted ways to communicate, explore and discuss upon big ticket issues like climate change that impact our lives and inspire social change.

The event is being held at 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver on Granville Island. If you're in the area, we encourage you to head on down and show your support for this exhibit!

Thank you so much Shannon for painting oilsands reclamation activities in a much different light at this upcoming event and we wish you all the best!

Join the Movement!

reclaimed oilsands land syncrude

Wood Bison Viewpoint - Syncrude - Reclaimed Oilsands Mine

Canada Action is all about creating positive, fact-based and non-partisan discussions about our world-class natural resource sector to Canadians and those abroad. People like Shannon help us convey that message in the best way possible!

We invite you to join us – as Shannon did – via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay updated with infographics, blogs and posts today. Hope to see you there and be part of our growing community both on and offline!

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