
Mining in Newfoundland & Labrador: 12 Facts

Canada’s eastern oil and natural gas province of Newfoundland & Labrador is hardly thought of for mining, so you may be surprised to hear that it is the fourth-largest mineral producer in Canada. Producing over $6.2 billion in minerals in 2021, Newfoundland & Labrador’s mining sector is...

Resources for Good: $75,000 Donated to Support Canadian Communities

Canada’s natural resources sector provides support to communities through donations and other contributions that make a huge difference in the lives of many Canadian families. These acts of generosity often go without the recognition they deserve. In part four of our Resources for Good series, we...

3 Important Lessons Learned from the Keystone XL Pipeline

Keystone XL Under Construction Keystone XL (KXL) is now officially dead, and that's just too bad. After more than 15 years since first being proposed – a time over which global oil demand has risen by more than 10 million barrels per day (bpd) – TC Energy, the pipeline’s owner, has now confirmed...

A Majority of Indigenous Peoples in Canada Support Resource Development: POLL

Courtesy of IRN A poll conducted on behalf of the Indigenous Resource Network (IRN) has found that a majority of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples living in rural areas or on reserves across Canada support natural resource development. According to the poll, 65% of the 549 self-identified I...

Global Oil Demand to Return Sooner Than Thought: IEA

Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), says that his organization expects oil and gas demand to return to “pre-crisis” levels sooner than first anticipated. The IEA’s revelations come not even a month after it said that no new investment is needed in fossil fuel...

A Closer Look at the IEA's Pathway to Net-Zero by 2050

Key Points • The IEA's Net-Zero to 2050 scenario requires massive changes to the global energy infrastructure system and record-setting deployments of renewables and EVs • Current actions by governments in parts of the world will make it extremely difficult for the IEA's scenario to come to frui...

80+ Summer Products Made Possible by Canadian Natural Resources

Canada’s diverse landscapes provide Canadians with the opportunity to enjoy a full spectrum of summer activities and events. From mountain climbing in the Rockies to boating on the Great Lakes, natural resources are the foundation for products that make all these enjoyable activities possible. W...

Have You Heard of Bill C-15, UNDRIP?

United Nations Building in Geneva, Switzerland What is the United Nations Declaration on Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP), and how does it relate to Bill C-15? Not many Canadians have heard of this legislation or understand what it entails, but you should know that Bill C-15 will affect ever...

Experts Warn of Looming Oil & Gas Supply Shortages Post 2021

Key Points • The world runs the risk of massive oil and gas supply shortages if actions are not taken in the short term to increase investment and exploration • Trillions of dollars of new investment are needed to prevent the destabilization of oil and gas markets • Oil and gas supply shortages c...

How Much Oil Does Canada Import? Too Much!

Just how much oil does Canada import every year? The answer is shocking, considering that Canada has the third-largest proven oil reserves in the world and would be more than capable of supplying itself with all the oil it ever needs - if only it had the infrastructure to do so. According to the...

British Columbia Forestry Pledge: An Introduction

To say Canada’s forests are vast is an understatement. According to the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers, the nation’s forests cover 347 million hectares of land and account for nearly nine per cent of the world’s total forested area. Canada is also the third-most forested country by area. W...

Resources for Good: $10 Million Donated to ER at St. Paul's Hospital

Canada’s natural resources sector plays a huge role in generating public revenues that go towards healthcare, education, and other social programs Canadians rely on every day. And it seems that not many people are aware of the sector’s substantial donations, volunteerships, and other supports it ...